Inquisitive: Behind the App

Today, I posted the first episode of a special series of Inquisitive, called 'Behind the App'. This first episode is all about the history of the App Store.

'Behind the App' marks a total change for Inquisitive. This series is going to be all about what it takes to build Apps for the iPhone, and how the App Store has totally changed the software industry. But I have lots of idea for other series' that I would like to do, with totally different topics.

I've been working on this every day since November, and it's been a massive undertaking. This kind of show is way different to anything I've made before. The new format for this series focuses more on storytelling. I interviewed a bunch of awesome people to help me get a sense for how I was going to cover this, and I spent a tonne of time going through all of these interviews, chopping them up in to interesting clips, then researching and writing scripts to tie the episodes together.

As of today, I have three episodes recorded of the series. I expect it to run for maybe 10-15 episodes, but I'm going to see how that fares as I continue to plough through.

Making these shows has been an incredible amount of work, but I am so proud of them. It's totally different in style and production to anything I have made before, and I am learning new skills as I progress. I think I'm getting better at it every day too.

I genuinely believe that my last five years in podcasting has taught me all of the base skills that I needed to do this, and 'Behind the App' is going to teach me what I need to know for the next five years.

But I need a favour from you; please share this episode with your friends. For me to be able to continue to create this show, I need it to be a success. I believe that it can be, but I need it to be seen by as many people as possible to do so. I want 'Behind the App' to be just the first series I do in this style, and if enough people hear this, I think I could continue making shows like this for a long time to come. You could also subscribe to the show in iTunes and leave a review too, that always helps.

I really welcome any feedback that you have for me about this episode, you can reach me on Twitter or by email, if you'd like.

I want to thank everyone that has helped make this show possible, and has given their time and effort. But most importantly, thank you for tuning in.

I am so excited for where this may lead.
